Pink sand and mineral formed by lenticular crystallization of soluble minerals created by evaporation of water inside.
The shape is reminiscent of the petals of a rose.
These crystallizations are primarily found in deserts.
The Roses of the sand can reach major proportions.
Formula: SiO2, crystalline system.
Physical properties: glassy, transparent shine.
Chemical properties: soluble in hydrofluoric acid alone.
Quartz crystals can grow to their endpoint in the form of prismatic crystals of a hexagonal pyramid.
Gitologie: quartz is omnipresent in endogenous rocks with silica mineral. It is also often found in rocks with micaschist and quartzites. Likewise there is quartz because of its high hardness and chemical resistance in eroded sedimentary rocks.
Originated in crystal water framed within a geode, sometimes accompanied by a gas-phase.
Sawn let see the crystallization which was made by crystal.
Enhydros is found in the Aegean Sea and in Brazil.