The domain of HELIOPOLIS on which is situated VILLA EGLANTINE is a private estate open to the public, founded in the years 1930.
It is located at the extreme western part of the island and occupies about 10% of
the total surface of the island, i.e. 90 hectares. The rest of the island is military domain, inaccessible to the public.
The domain includes about 250 homes. Around one hundred residents live there year
The village center is represented by its square on the upper area of the island,
at about 150 meters from VILLA EGLANTINE.
The village square disposes of a range of restaurants and bars, and, on the square itself or nearby, a bakery, a grocery store, a post office, and boutiques for souvenirs, jewelry, clothing, etc...
The naturist domain of Heliopolis is preserved from noise and pollution, circulation being solely by foot, with the exception of some authorized service vehicles.
So you may discover the field through its many paths, walkways and ledges, including the nature Reserve.